ShoppingThe Complete Guide on the Best Kitchen KnivesGotye MaikJune 29, 2022June 29, 2022 by Gotye MaikJune 29, 2022June 29, 20220602 A good kitchen knife is an essential item in your kitchen arsenal, and it is a multi-functional tool that can perform several tasks, from cutting...
Clothing7 Tips for Styling Activewear For An Everyday LookGotye MaikJune 17, 2022June 17, 2022 by Gotye MaikJune 17, 2022June 17, 20220486 The key to looking good while also being comfortable and functional isn’t necessarily to layer your clothes. It’s to layer your fabrics. Activewear tends to...
NewsHELPFUL TIPS WHEN SHOPPING FOR POMADEGotye MaikJune 1, 2022June 2, 2022 by Gotye MaikJune 1, 2022June 2, 20220236 Pomade is a popular hair styling product that can be used on the head, sideburns, beard, and mustache resulting in a shinier, slicker, and darker...